Michael Rayburn

Michael Rayburn has over 25 years of experience in the tech industry, specializing in Windows operating systems and software troubleshooting. His passion for solving complex Windows issues began at a young age when he took apart and reassembled his family's first PC. Rayburn started working in the customer support division of a major software company in the late 1990s. It was there that he honed his skills for diagnosing and fixing errors, bugs, and crashes across a wide range of Windows versions. His talent for clear written communication helped him create many well-received user guides and knowledge-based articles. After over a decade on the support frontlines, Rayburn transitioned to an internal software testing role. His unique front-line perspective made him exceptionally skilled at breaking software and identifying flaws before release. He published his first book, "The Art of Windows Troubleshooting" in 2012 to acclaim. With "Windows Error Fixer," Rayburn aims to provide the ultimate comprehensive guide for everyday PC users. Drawing from his extensive knowledge base, he walks readers through troubleshooting every standard and not-so-common Windows error. Outside of writing, Rayburn enjoys tinkering with new tech and exploring the outdoors.
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